Following significant weight loss or pregnancy, patients may experience excess skin and loose abdominal muscles that make their mid-section rounder or less attractive than they would like.
In many cases, these concerns cannot be corrected with diet, exercise, or non-invasive procedures.
Fortunately, a tummy tuck is a safe and effective surgical option for women and men to reshape their abdomen and optimize their appearance.
While researching and selecting a skilled plastic surgeon is essential to achieving desired results, it’s also imperative that patients take the necessary measures before, during, and after their tummy tuck.
The following check-list can help patients educate themselves, plan for their procedure and recovery, and promote an overall positive tummy tuck experience.

Learn About What a Tummy Tuck Involves and Can Accomplish

A tummy tuck is also known as an abdominoplasty and is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the abdomen.
It involves removing excess skin and fat and tightening abdominal muscles for a firmer and flatter mid-section.

Educate Yourself About the Different Types of Tummy Tucks

The first step in seeking a tummy tuck is scheduling a consultation with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who routinely performs this procedure.
He will assess your skin quality, body type, areas of concern, and goals for treatment to guide you to the most appropriate choice.

Here Are 3 Abdominoplasty Options to Consider:

  1. Full or Classic Tummy Tuck

A full or classic tummy tuck focuses on the abdominal areas that are above and below the belly button. This procedure is an excellent option to address general roundness and will provide a very natural outcome.
A horizontal incision and a u-shaped incision are often required to access the upper and lower abdomen adequately.

  1. Mini Tummy Tuck

For patients with an unwanted pooch or bulge in their lower abdomen, a mini tummy tuck may be a good fit. This option removes fat and skin and tightens abdominal muscles in the area below the belly button. It usually involves one horizontal incision in the lower abdomen.

  1. Extended Tummy Tuck

An extended tummy tuck may be recommended if a patient has had multiple pregnancies and/or lost a significant amount of weight. This surgical method addresses the abdomen, flanks, and hips and may require a vertical incision and a longer horizontal incision.

Properly Prepare for Your Surgery

Your plastic surgeon will provide detailed instructions to prepare for a successful tummy tuck.
Some of the pre-op requirements may include: Lab work, medication adjustments with the guidance of your prescribing physician, cessation of smoking and all nicotine products, and temporary discontinuation of blood thinning medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements.

Anticipate and Plan for Recovery

For the first week after a tummy tuck, patients often experience soreness and discomfort and should expect to rest with limited activity.
Additionally, the abdomen may be covered with surgical bandages, dressings, and a compression garment to support the abdominal region and decrease inflammation.
It’s also common that a surgical drain will be placed to remove excess fluid and blood, and patients should be prepared to care for their drains and surgical site.
For additional information on how to prepare and achieve an optimal tummy tuck results, please call Washingtonian Plastic Surgery today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Navin Singh.