If your breasts have started to sag or your nipples point downward, a breast lift in McLean, Virginia may offer an ideal way to rejuvenate your appearance.
However, before undergoing surgery, you may have a number of questions about the procedure including: Is a breast lift dangerous? What are the possible side effects and complications?
The good news is that a breast lift is an extremely safe procedure, with minimal risks. To learn all about breast lift safety, including possible risks, read on.

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is surgical procedure that is designed to reshape and elevate the breasts to a more youthful and perky position.
Often referred to as a mastopexy, the treatment can also reposition and resize the nipple-areolar complex so that it is in proper proportion with the breasts.

Is a Breast Lift Dangerous?

Because mastopexy involves surgery and general anesthesia, some patients ask: Is a breast lift dangerous? While any type of surgical procedure carries some degree of risk, a breast lift boasts an excellent safety profile. This is especially true when performed by a highly skilled board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience.
Patients undergoing a breast lift should also confirm that they are being treated at an accredited surgical facility and that a board-certified anesthesiologist will be administering their anesthesia and monitoring their vitals throughout the procedure.
Additionally, to ensure a safe and smooth procedure, patients must comply with their surgeon’s instructions. Pre-surgery, your physician may ask you to undergo lab testing or discontinue use of certain medications, vitamins, and products.
If you are a smoker, you will also need to stop smoking for four-to-six weeks before and after surgery to facilitate proper wound healing.

Possible Side Effects and Risks of a Breast Lift

In addition to wondering – Is a breast lift dangerous? – patients often inquire about possible side effects and complications.
While mastopexy is a relatively low-risk procedure, patients may experience bleeding, infection, seroma or hematoma, scarring, poor healing of incisions, loss of breast of nipple sensitivity, uneven size or shape of breasts, blood clots, or need for a revision surgery.
Accordingly, you should maintain close contact with your surgeon before and after your breast lift and notify him or her immediately if you notice that your breasts are red and feel warm to the touch, you have a fever over 101°F, your incisions are seeping blood or fluid, or you have chest pain or trouble breathing.

Learn More About Breast Lift

If you are considering a breast lift in or around McLean, Virginia, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Navin Singh.