Are you bothered by jowls and loose, sagging skin on your neck? Do you find that you neck appearance doesn’t match your match? Are you interested in rejuvenating your neck, but not ready for a full facelift?
If you answered yes, then neck lift surgery may be an ideal solution.
But before getting started, you likely have a number of questions about the procedure, including: Are neck lift surgeries popular? How do I get started with a neck lift? What happens during neck lift surgery?
To find out the answers to these questions and learn all about neck lift surgery, read on.

Are Neck Lift Surgeries Popular?

With the influx of new noninvasive skin tightening treatments, some people are wondering: Are neck lift surgeries popular?
Despite a variety of nonsurgical options, neck lift surgeries are still a frequently-requested and effective way to rejuvenate the neck and achieve a more youthful appearance.
In fact, neck lift surgery is especially well-suited to women and men who want to tighten the skin around their neck or eliminate jowls, but not ready for a full facelift.

What Happens Before Neck Lift Surgery?

If you are considering neck lift surgery, the first step is to schedule a consultation with a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon.
At this initial meeting, you will have the opportunity to share your concerns and goals. Your surgeon will also inquire about your medical and surgical history, skin condition, and scarring tendency.
Based on this information, he will determine if you are a good candidate for a neck lift and develop a customized surgical plan.

What Can Patients Expect from the Procedure?

During a neck lift procedure, anesthesia is administered to ensure that patients remain comfortable and free of pain. Then, incisions are made around and behind the ears, with another small incision under the chin.
Next, your surgeon will lift neck muscles and remove excess skin and fat.
Finally, incisions are closed, and a pressure dressing is applied around the head and neck.

Is There Any Downtime?

In addition to wondering – Are neck lift surgeries popular? – patients often ask what they can anticipate in terms of downtime.
Following surgery, it’s not uncommon for patients to experience some bruising and swelling. Bruising typically fades in a couple of weeks, and sutures are usually removed within 5 to 10 days.
Full recovery from a neck lift can take several weeks.

Learn More About Neck Lift Surgery

If you are considering neck lift surgery, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Navin Singh.