Whether it’s a shapelier backside, larger breasts, or a more refined nose – plastic surgery can help patients improve their appearance and confidence.
This is especially true if a man or woman has been bothered by a particular feature or body part for some time and is unable to make adequate changes without surgical intervention.
However, while the benefits of a cosmetic procedure are often in the forefront of patients’ minds, they should take the time to ask themselves why they are seeking plastic surgery and if they are willing and able to take the steps necessary for a successful procedure.
Therefore, potential candidates should answer these four questions before committing to plastic surgery.

1. Why do you want plastic surgery?

It’s important that patients really contemplate and assess their motivation before undergoing any type of cosmetic procedure. Your plastic surgeon is also likely to inquire about your expectations of treatment to help determine your candidacy for surgery.
After identifying one or more reasons, then evaluate if your quest for a flatter abdomen or thinner thighs is purely self-directed.
If you find that your interest in plastic surgery is heavily influenced by another person or the hope of impressing others, it may not be the right choice for you at this point in time.

2. Have you thoroughly researched your procedure?

While many patients focus on the positive outcomes of plastic surgery, they must also understand the details of their procedure and consider the risks, costs, benefits, and possible complications.
Additionally, researching, consulting with, and selecting a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, who is also board-certified, is one of the most crucial steps before proceeding with cosmetic surgery.

3. Can you afford plastic surgery?

Since most plastic surgery is considered elective, it’s not covered by insurance, and patients are responsible for the total cost.  However, many practices offer multiple payment options, and some even accept medical credit cards to help finance the procedure.
After your consultation, a surgical care coordinator will discuss the cost of your surgery. Expenses will typically include the surgeon’s fee, facility fee, cost of anesthesia, cost of surgical implants or materials, and cost of any compression or post-operative garments.

4. Are you prepared for recovery?

Following plastic surgery, the healing process begins and is a vital component of achieving your desired outcome.
Some factors to consider when planning for recovery include: Physical discomfort, pain, swelling, and bruising; time off from work; limitations on physical activities and exercise; driving restrictions while taking pain medication; child care; and assistance the first day or two after your procedure.
Making sure that you have adequately addressed each of these concerns will help you feel confident and secure in moving forward with plastic surgery and experiencing optimal results.
For additional information on determining if plastic surgery is right for you, please call Washingtonian Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.