Although breast augmentation, reduction, and lifts can seem as though they are fairly straightforward procedures, there are a number of factors to consider before having a boob job.
Some of these items are commonly known, while others may surprise even to most well-informed patient.
Here are seven things you should know before getting a boob job.

1. You may need additional breast surgery in your lifetime

While breast surgery offers patients long lasting results, individuals may require an implant exchange or a lift later in life.
In fact, up to 25 percent of women need an additional procedure in 10 years because implants can leak, develop capsular contracture, and change shape over time – all of which warrant replacement.
Furthermore, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and varying aesthetic taste could be other indications for more surgery.

2. Breast augmentation, reduction, and lift generally require 5-7 days off from work

Within five-to-seven days of breast surgery, most patients are feeling well enough to return to desk jobs or those that do not require heaving lifting.
Patients should also keep in mind that breast implants placed under the muscle provide a more natural look and feel, but may also cause increased soreness or recovery time.

3. Breast implants tend to feel different than breast tissue

In the hands of a skilled surgeon, breast implants can offer a subtle enhancement that’s not overly obvious. Plus, silicone implants can closely resemble natural breast tissue.
Nevertheless, implants may feel different than breast tissue, and this is especially true for larger ones that are placed above the muscle.

4. Patients may lose nipple sensation

A decrease or loss of nipple sensation is a potential side effect of breast surgery. While some feeling may return over the course of recovery, effects could be permanent.
In these instances, the nipple will still physically respond to stimulation or cold, even if the woman cannot feel it.

5. Not all plastic surgeons are board-certified and reputable

Patients should carefully research their plastic surgeon and ensure that he or she is board-certified and has extensive experience with breast augmentation, reduction, and lifts.
It’s also a good idea to ask to see before and after photos of patients with similar anatomy, concerns, and goals.

6. You have a choice of saline or silicone implants

Silicone implants are often selected because they produce a soft and realistic look to augmented breasts. However, it may be more difficult to detect ruptures or leaks with this style.
On the other hand, saline implants readily reveal a rupture or leak and offer a good amount of upper pole fullness and projection. But they are also firmer and more prone to rippling than silicone implants.

7. Rigorous exercise that involves any bouncing must be restricted after breast surgery

Although patients may be eager to return to their regular routines after breast surgery, they should avoid intense cardio workouts for up to 12 weeks. However, light exercise is permitted one week post-procedure.
For additional information about breast augmentation, reduction, and lift, please call Washingtonian Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Navin Singh.