Despite our best efforts, we are sometimes unable to reduce stubborn fat pockets with diet and exercise alone.

For this reason, many women and men turn to liposuction to eliminate unwanted bulges, contour their bodies, and achieve a leaner and more proportionate physique.

So, where on your body can you get liposuction?

Here are seven common treatment areas for liposuction.

1. Abdomen

The abdomen is one of the most popular places that both women and men seek liposuction, and the procedure can be performed on the upper and lower portions of the belly.

By removing stubborn fat from the abdomen, liposuction can help patients achieve a slimmer waistline and leaner appearance to their midsection. 

2. Love Handles

Love handles, also referred to as flanks, are another common area for liposuction. Not only can the treatment eliminate fat that’s been resistant to diet and exercise, it can also enhance contours and improve the way women and men look in and out of clothes.

3. Upper Arms

While female and male patients are both susceptible to the loss of tone in their upper arms, women are more likely to experience the dreaded batwings.

Fortunately, liposuction can provide safe and effective smoothing and firming of the area, especially for individuals that have good skin elasticity.

4. Back

Bra bulge is a frustrating issue that a number of women struggle with each morning as they get dressed. Back liposuction precisely targets and removes problematic fat pockets to reveal a sleeker posterior.

5. Hips

The hips play a key role in enhancing a feminine silhouette, and liposuction may help women highlight their curves and achieve a well-proportioned shape.

6. Buttocks

Precisely removing isolated fat deposits from the buttocks can improve its shape and position and produce a more-balanced physique.

7. Thighs

The thighs can be an extremely difficult area to spot-reduce with diet and exercise alone. Liposuction can effectively streamline the outer thighs (saddle bags), contour the inner thighs, and eliminate fat from anterior thighs (banana rolls), with minimal downtime, discomfort, or risks.

Other areas that can be treated with liposuction include chest, face, and lower legs.

If you are considering fat removal procedures and want to know where on your body can you get liposuction, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Navin Singh.