Finding the right esthetician can be overwhelming with so many options available. This guide will help make the process easier. The best way to find the right esthetician is by doing plenty of research and reviewing the amount of experience and qualifications of potential practitioners, as well as their portfolio of work. 

When you have narrowed down your list of potential practitioners, be sure to book a consultation. This will enable you to determine whether they are someone you feel comfortable with and if they will be able to help you achieve your goals. During this consultation, ask any questions that you may have about the treatments/services available and make sure any lingering concerns are addressed before making a decision. 

Aesthetics Health is an industry leader in the beauty field. At the forefront of this award-winning beauty center is Amie Pan. A Master Esthetician herself as well as a Permanent Makeup State Board Instructor. She is world-renowned in permanent eyebrow makeup with a keen eye for precision and details. She is also an expert in ombré microshading and microblading of eyebrows, areola repigmentation, and scalp micro-pigmentation. Amie Pan also holds a license in permanent cosmetics tattoo and is certified by the Center for Disease Control, OSHA in blood-borne pathogens, CPR, and first aid as well as practicing universal precautions. A constant collaborator with some of the best in the industry. Amie Pan is well-known for her hands-on experience with well-known PMU artists from all over the world. 

With more than 20 years of experience, Amie Pan provides her customer-centric approach and grand vision in the following expertise areas, permanent makeup, Areola reconstruction, scar camouflage, scalp micropigmentation, and skincare to deliver the best works for her clients through Aesthetics Health. The beauty center offers permanent make-up services which include ombre brows, microshading, microblading, areola, and scalp micro pigmentation, among others. Aside from these services, they also offer medspa, lashes, and waxing, all provided with the highest quality work from their team. Moreover, Aesthetics Health offers permanent make-up products for its clients. These products are your key to waking up flawlessly in the morning without needing to invest any money or extensive amounts of time on makeup again. 

Aside from the clinic services of Aesthetics Health, their academy is also the perfect option for people who want quality, practical education, and affordable tuition. The Aesthetics Health Academy offers an up-to-date curriculum and instruction that covers all esthetic and advanced esthetics services such as basic permanent makeup, waxing, and correction of old permanent makeup, among others. They also provide specialized training based on their student’s needs. The team ensures that the students learn essential beauty treatments and services to ensure a diverse set of job opportunities in the market. 

Overall, if you are looking for an esthetician that has a burning passion and can give you the confident, professional services you need to keep your skin looking its best, contact Aesthetics Health today. Amie Pan and the rest of her team at Aesthetics Health have an extensive, award-winning history in skincare, the beauty industry, and even pharmaceuticals. They also offer a range of introductory and in-depth classes if you are interested in earning a certificate as a beauty and skincare technician. Schedule an appointment today and be prepared to leave Aesthetics Health with a new, refreshed glow!