For the past two years, breast augmentation has been the number one plastic surgery procedure, with a very high rate of satisfaction.

In fact, many women find that breast augmentation not only enhances their appearance and figure but also increases their self-esteem and body confidence.

However, before making the decision to undergo breast augmentation, patients should be aware of what they can expect from the procedure, including estimated downtime.

Here’s everything women need to know about breast augmentation recovery should they chose to have this treatment.

How Long Does Breast Augmentation Recovery Typically Take?

Breast augmentation recovery can vary from patient to patient depending on a number of factors that are specific to each individual.

That being said, on average, full recovery from a breast augmentation typically takes six weeks, but many patients are well enough to return to work after one week.

What Are the Stages of Breast Augmentation Recovery?

Breast augmentation recovery is progressive, and patients will gradually heal and feel better over time.

Here’s a post-operative timeline of what patients can expect immediately after surgery, three to five days after, several weeks after, and two months after.

Immediately After Surgery

As you wake-up from surgery and for several hours after, you may feel groggy and sore. Therefore, it’s important that you have someone to drive you home post-procedure and stay with you for the first 24-48 hours.

3-5 days

Patients are likely to feel the most discomfort in the first 3 to 5 days after breast augmentation.

During this time, pain can be managed with prescription pain medication, a pain injection, or a pain pump, and you should follow a schedule in order to stay ahead of the pain.

At the 5-7 day-mark, most individuals are feeling considerably better and can take over-the-counter pain relievers.

It’s also important to complete any antibiotics or other medications your surgeon has prescribed.

1 week

1 week into breast augmentation recovery, patients that have desk jobs or those without much physical activity may return to work. Light exercise and other activities that are part of your normal routine can also be resumed at this time.

2-3 weeks

Patients may experience mild discomfort for several weeks after their surgery. They should avoid any strenuous workouts or lifting heavy objects until they are instructed that it’s safe to do so by their surgeon.

Accordingly, women with labor-intensive jobs may return to work and do tasks that feel comfortable to them after 3 weeks.

2 months

2 months after breast augmentation, most patients find that they are able to get back to their typical schedule with minimal restrictions.

However, you should always follow your surgeon’s instructions about the best course of action for your particular breast augmentation recovery.

For additional information about breast augmentation recovery in Chevy Chase and Northern Virginia, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Navin Singh at Washingtonian Plastic Surgery.