For many people, summertime means sunshine, beaches, and plastic surgery. Summer is the time when many people think about having plastic surgery, mainly breast augmentation. In 2018, over 313,000 people underwent the procedure.
Breast augmentation is a safe way to change your breast shape and size. The procedure uses silicone or saline implants or fat from your own body. A certified plastic surgeon can help you decide which option is best for you.

How Soon Can I Swim After Breast Augmentation?

Recovery does take some time. For instance, you will be restricted to light lifting for a week and you should be back to normal activity within a month. However, if you plan to swim, you will need to plan your surgery in advance.
Most surgeons want you to wait at least a month before swimming in a pool or the ocean, to reduce your risks of infection. On the other hand, your surgeon may clear you sooner, or recommend that you wait longer before diving in.
breast augmentation beach


Speaking of summer, it usually goes hand in hand with sun exposure. Above all, you should remember to protect your incision by apply sunscreen that is at least SPF 30. You can also apply a silicone-based scar gel to help your incision heal into a clean, thin scar.

Planning Your Breast Augmentation

You may be cleared to swim a month after surgery, but it is normal for implants to sit high on the chest for the first month before they begin to settle. It will take a few months to see your full results. So, you may want to plan your surgery well in advance of the summer season.


If you are ready for your breast augmentation consultation, contact double board-certified Dr. Navin Singh to schedule your appointment.