Pregnancy, breast feeding, and the natural aging process can all contribute to changes in breast tissue, volume, and dimension. In turn, these changes may lead to sagging, downward pointing nipples, loss of upper-pole fullness, and flattened or deflated breast appearance.
The good news is that breast augmentation and breast lift can effectively restore breast size, shape, and position and boost your body confidence.
While breast lift and breast augmentation are excellent stand-alone procedures, they are often combined in order to maximize surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction.
So, as a woman in Chevy Chase, Maryland, you may be wondering when is breast augmentation and breast lift necessary? Continue reading for the answer to this question and to learn the goals of each procedure.

What is the Goal of a Breast Lift?

A breast lift, often referred to as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to lift sagging breasts, reposition the nipple-areolar complex, and improve breast shape.
It may involve removing excess skin and tissue to elevate the breasts and achieve a more youthful and perky appearance.

What is the Goal of a Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is another popular plastic surgery procedure that seeks to increase breast volume and fullness. It is usually achieved with silicone or saline breast implants or an autologous fat transfer.

When is Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift Necessary?

Patients who wish to rejuvenate and enhance their breasts often wonder: When is breast augmentation and breast lift necessary?
The answer to this question has a great deal to do with individual goals and anatomy. With that being said, a woman who wants to solely address the shape, dimension and position of her breasts may be able to achieve desired effects with just a breast lift.
However, in the event that a patient hopes to improve volume, upper pole fullness, and cleavage as well, a breast lift alone may not suffice. In fact, if pre-existing volume loss is an issue, breasts may appear less-full following a mastopexy.
Accordingly, for patients with ptosis, volume loss, and lack of cleavage, a breast augmentation and breast lift may be necessary to successfully reshape, reposition, and enhance breasts with optimal outcomes.

Interested in Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift?

If you are interested in breast surgery and aren’t sure if a breast augmentation, breast lift, or combined approach is right for you, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Navin Singh.