While some women in the Fairfax, Virginia area are naturally-blessed with a round, full backside, most have to put in long hours at the gym to achieve the shape and size they want.
However, even the most disciplined fitness regimen doesn’t always guarantee sculpted buttocks and curves in all the right places.
Luckily, a Brazilian Butt Lift in Fairfax, Virginia has the ability to eliminate bothersome bulges and add desired volume to buttocks.
Continue reading to learn all about the Fairfax, Virginia Brazilian Butt Lift process and if it’s right for you.

What Is a BBL?

Commonly referred to as a BBL, a Brazilian Butt Lift is a surgical procedure that harvests the patient’s own fat and injects it into the buttocks.
This process not only eliminates unwanted fat deposits, it also allows the surgeon to create a rounder, fuller, and more lifted backside.

How is a Brazilian Butt Lift Performed?

During a BBL in Fairfax, VA, Dr. Navin Singh will perform liposuction to sculpt one or more areas of the body. Common donor sites include the abdomen, flanks, thighs, or back. 
The extracted fat is then purified and precisely injected into the buttocks to produce soft, natural-looking results.

What Are the Benefits of a BBL in VA?

There are a number of reasons that patients elect to undergo a BBL in VA. To start, the procedure offers fat reduction as well as volume enhancement in a single treatment.
What’s more, in the hands of a highly-skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, a Brazilian Butt Lift can completely transform the patient’s silhouette and provide a more curvaceous figure and hour-glass shape.
BBL also a much safer alternative to butt implants. Unlike implants, a BBL doesn’t introduce a foreign body for plumping purposes. Rather, it relies on an autologous fat transfer that carries little to no risk of rejection.
Finally, a BBL in VA reshapes the buttocks so that they feel extremely soft and look as natural as possible. 

Considering a BBL in VA?

If you are considering a Brazilian Butt Lift in Fairfax, Virginia, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Navin Singh.