Despite an active lifestyle, many patients experience diet and exercise resistant fat and are seeking treatments to reduce unwanted bulges.
As a result, CoolSculpting has become one of the most in-demand body contouring procedures.
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive device that is applied to a specific area of the body. It uses cool temperatures to freeze fat cells that are naturally eliminated from the body during a three-month period.

4 Factors to Consider Before Trying CoolSculpting

1. CoolSculpting Is Not a Weight Loss or Overall Fat Reduction Treatment

CoolSculpting can reduce up to 25 percent of fat cells in the targeted treatment area. Patients will not see any changes on the scale or significant fat loss to large portions of the body.
Good CoolSculpting candidates are within 15-20 pounds of their ideal weight and are looking to reduce fat in stubborn areas. Laser liposuction or traditional liposuction may be better options for patients seeking a more dramatic fat reduction.

2. Positive Results Are Only Long Lasting If Weight Is Maintained

It is important for patients to understand that CoolSculpting does not prevent them from gaining weight in the future.
Patients must remain committed to a healthy diet and regular exercise to preserve the benefits from the treatment.

3. Patients May Have Bruising and Numbness After Treatment

While it is a non-invasive procedure, some patients report swelling, tenderness, numbness, and bruising to the treated area.
These effects are typically minimal and resolve within three-to-seven days on their own.

4. 1-2 Treatments Are Recommended for Best Results

Many patients are pleased with their results after one treatment, but a second treatment is advisable for additional fat reduction and contouring.
Skin tightening treatments may also be recommended in conjunction with CoolSculpting.
If you would like to learn more about CoolSculpting or our other body contouring treatments, please call Washingtonian Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation!