When you think liposuction, you think tummy.
Of course it’s natural to associate fat reduction treatment with work around the abdomen.
So liposuction for the arms just might not be the first thing you think of.
But it makes sense doesn’t it?

Why Arms?

Cosmetic treatments are all about the best bang for your buck, and the area that hangs below the arm–at the tricep–is often one problem area that both men and women would like to see improved.
With Arm Lip, not only is a excess fat dissolved – the excess skin under the arm is also tightened up.
The result is a subtle yet dramatic improvement in the aesthetics of the area that, proportionally, go further in improving the shape.

Faster Recovery Makes This Treatment All the More Palatable

The best part of this procedure is that arms heal faster than almost any part of the body.
While liposuction can leave you recovering for quite a while compared to most nonsurgical procedures

Learn More

Call Washingtonian Plastic Surgery today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Navin Singh to find out if Arm Liposuction is the right procedure for you.